Vote 1 Hayley Weller

Vote 1 Hayley Weller ✅

As a service oriented person, it makes sense to me that local government is the ultimate expression of community service.

My approach is to work as one with you in an open and collaborative way to solve issues together. I believe that people should be included in decisions that affect them, and that issues are not just matters for a councillor to decide.

Here are the issues
I care about:

  • No more services are cut, and more is invested to meet residents’ needs at all life stages

  • Council assets and buildings are used to their full potential, that is, they are fit for purpose, in good condition, and not underused or empty

  • Infrastructure is maintained and safe - including footpaths, drains and lighting in streets for walking, bike paths for riding, and local and collector roads for driving and pedestrians

  • Sport and leisure facilities are suitable for healthy, active communities

  • Soft plastics recycling is available in Whitehorse

  • Council adequately funds community groups to undertake their important activities

  • Sensible planning decisions are made

  • Finances are responsibly managed

  • Extensive tree canopy, uniform street planting, urban design, playgrounds and open spaces are highly valued

  • Initiatives are promoted that meet the needs of people and their pets