Rules of Engagement.

I welcome your comments and engagement with me but ask that you follow some simple rules before joining in the conversation.

The High Court ruling in 2021 regarding Facebook comments means I have been forced to place tighter restrictions on what is able to be posted on this page.

Under this ruling, I am personally responsible for any comments made on my page that may be defamatory. This means some comments will be removed from the page.

As I am not able to monitor posts 24/7 - there may also be times when comments will be turned off.

Whilst this may impact how you express yourself on Facebook, you can still express yourself as you wish via email at

When posting comments on my social media pages please do not:

- harass, insult or be abusive toward others

- make defamatory, libellous, false or misleading comments

- use obscene, insulting, racist, sexist or otherwise discriminatory or offensive language

- post personal information about yourself or others such as private addresses or phone numbers

- promote commercial interests

- make overtly party political comments

- violate the intellectual property rights of others

- violate any laws or regulations

- post multiple versions of the same view to the wall or make excessive postings on a particular issue.

I reserve the right to hide or delete any comments and/or block, ban or report any users that breach these terms of use to ensure that fans can participate in a safe, respectful environment. I am not obliged to reinstate any individual I block or ban.

Please note:

When someone comments on my content, those comments reflect his or her views only. The same applies to third-party content shared by our accounts. We cannot vouch for the accuracy, validity and/or completeness of third-party information.

Messages sent to me through social media are not to be considered correspondence.